School Meals
School Meals
Our school meals are cooked on the premises and reflect the national initiative of “Healthy Eating”. Our school cook provides a varied menu with lots of options, from which the children can choose.
A school meal from September 2024 costs £2.40 per child which includes a main course, dessert and a drink. Meals should be paid for each Monday in advance of meals taken. Please see our section Parentpay for information on how to set up an account to make online payments at your convenience. Payments can be made weekly, monthly or termly.
To view the current school meal menu, please click the link below:
Pre-ordering Meal Facility (Appetite)
In September 2022, a pre-ordering meal system was implemented. This system (Appetite) allows parents/carers the flexibility to pre-order their child's preferred menu choice each day (or in advance). Nutritional information for all meals are included on the Appetite system so parents/carers are fully aware of what their child is eating at school. Parents/carers are also able to indicate on the system any allergies their child has which will then not permit such food items to be ordered.
Children with specific dietary requirements (gluten free, dairy free, vegan, halal etc) can be provided with a special menu upon completion of the Special Dietary Requirement Request Form below.
Children whose parents/carers do not pre-order for them, will have the option to select their meal in class which is managed by their teacher as part of the registration process. However, there may be occasions where a child's first meal option may no longer be available when ordering in class but there will be other choices that can be selected.
Help to access the system can be sought from school regarding log ins etc.
For further information please see the Appetite website at:
Catering Provider
Further information can be found on the attached newsletter.
For more information on free school meals, please click the link below: