Physical Education, School Sport and Physical Activity (PESSPA)
Autumn Term 1 2024-25
After School Clubs
During the Spring term, there are several sports after school clubs on offer for our pupils including:-
- Multi Skills
- Football
- Tag Rugby
- Healthy Movers
The choice of after school clubs are linked to the school curriculum, as well as upcoming school competitions, to give pupils the best chance of success in a competitive setting.
Swimming lessons continue in Spring. Year 5 will complete their first round of swimming before Year6 swimming commences, providing the children the opportunity to gain crucial life skills as well as improving fitness across the unit.
PE Lessons
Pupils will have the opportunity to take part in two sessions of PE a week; an indoor and outdoor unit.
Across the school the focus of indoor PE will be gymnastics and dance.
Outdoor PE is as follows:
Y1 and Y2: Multi Skills & Invasion Games
Y3 and Y5: Handball & Football
Y4 and Y6: Tag Rugby & Hockey
PE units will vary throughout the academic year, ensuring pupils are exposed to different areas of the curriculum.
Sporting Events
Details of upcoming sporting events will be notified.
Junior Advanced Performance Programme (JAPP)
The Junior Advanced Performance Programme is a partnership with our feeder school High Tunstall College of Science to identify gifted and talented pupils in the area of sport.