School Council/Pupil Leaders
Children are given opportunities to grow as compassionate, caring and responsible citizens that have a social conscience and are able to take responsibility for their own actions and play an active part in their community
and the wider world.
To prepare children in this way at Eldon Grove Academy we:
Provide a wide range of opportunities to have pupil voice and leadership roles in the school including the School Parliament, Eco Club and Prefects.
Opportunities to engage with other members of their community in a caring way such as elderly residents at local care home and contribute to the local food bank.
Regular fund raising for charities that engage the children's interests and reflect current global issues.
Pupil Leadership
Across Eldon Grove Academy, we have a team of dedicated and committed pupil leaders.
- Members of School Parliament
Our School Council has evolved into a School Parliament. Here a group of pupils are elected by their peers to represent the views of all pupils and to improve their school. The School Parliament meets, once every half-term, to discuss and sort out problems. These may include school lunches, behaviour or ideas for fundraising events.
Members of the School Parliament will be responsible for carrying out the ideas that have been agreed, such as: what to spend fund raising money or planning new playground activities.
Being a school parliamentarian is a really responsible job and as Eldon Grove Academy Parliament is evolving to be a very effective one, it does mean that every child learns a lot from taking part.
- Rights Respecting Rangers:
We have selected children to be our Rights Respecting Rangers. Our Rights Respecting Rangers are very proud of their role in school. Chosen from across the school they lead other pupils in developing their understanding of the UNCRC United Nations Conventions on the Rights of the Child.
- Eco Warriors
Each class has an Eco-Warrior who has been voted for by their peers. Our Eco-Warriors are committed to making positive environmental changes around our school, and meet termly to discuss how and measure the progress.
- Power of Women Ambassadors
PoW Ambassadors promote gender equality, breakdown barriers and smash stereotypes! Our Ambassadors work with leading female figures in business across Tees Valley and share their learning with children across school.
- Prefects
School Prefects are chosen by the staff; they are pupils who have shown they always follow our school rules, follow our values, have a good attitude towards learning and show good manners. It is considered to be a prestigious position. Prefects are, in a sense, junior members of staff and are expected to take their role seriously. The position not only allows pupils to lead by example and demonstrate their responsibility, it also enables the younger children to learn from a good example which is why they are carefully selected.
- Librarians
Our librarians ensure the smooth day-to-day running of the library and book areas around school. This important role also helps develop a sense of responsibility, achievement and self-esteem in the children.
- Heads of Houses
In School, our Head Boy, Head Girl, Deputy Head Boy and Deputy Head Girl are joined by a further 8 Year 6 children who drive our School Parliament. The 8 children consist of 2 Heads of Houses for Ignis, Aqua, Terra and Ventus. They are joined by members of the SLT to work towards and co-ordinate the school's 'Inter-House calendar': a number of challenges throughout the year - both sporting and academic - where all pupils can gain points for their House.
- School Council
Our School Council consists of 17 children - one representative from each class. During termly meetings with Mr Reay, Miss Rathbone or Miss Lord, they will vote on, and pass, ideas from School Parliament and help to co-ordinate events taking place in school. They will deliver messages back to their classrooms, gather votes and also be in charge of tallying 'House Points' within their classrooms.
- Sports Leaders
Young sports leaders are children who are chosen from year 5 and 6. Sports leaders are asked to sign up and are selected depending on their qualities. Sports leaders are children who show great leadership qualities, are confident and have a strong interest in sports.