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Eldon Grove Academy home page

Eldon Grove Academy

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  • Pride
  • Reflection
  • Resilience
  • Curiosity
  • Risk Taking


In Eldon Grove Academy we believe in a positive approach to pupil behaviour, highlighting and rewarding good behaviour. We have a behaviour policy that sets out systematic guidelines for staff and children. Each class clearly displays our behaviour plan and all children from nursery to Y6 are taught expected behaviour.


Children will be encouraged to succeed in work and behaviour with lots of positive reinforcement:

  • Verbal praise
  • Stickers
  • “Good News” letters home
  • Points – towards bronze, silver, gold, platinum awards
  • Pupil of the Week award
  • Certificates


However there are consequences for pupils who do not adhere to the school plan. Parents will be informed immediately if school feels that their child is displaying unacceptable behaviour.

To view our Behaviour Policy, please click the link below:


Bullying can happen in any school. At Eldon Grove Academy we are committed to an anti-bullying policy. We address the problem of bullying through PSCHE, Circle Time, School Council and assemblies. We will do our best to resolve problems and we actively encourage children to talk with adults. Should parents be worried by the actions of their own child or others, please contact the class teacher or Head of School promptly. A copy of our Anti-Bullying Policy can be found in the Policies section of School Information.