EGA's Religious Education Intent
We want every child to have every opportunity to experience success in each RE learning episode.
RE at Eldon Grove Academy aims to develop deepening knowledge and understanding of a range of religious and non-religious worldviews. Our pupils will have opportunities to develop a range of critical thinking skills to progress within RE, to not only learn about a religion or belief but to also learn from a religion or belief. These include:
- investigation and enquiry
- interpretation
- application
- expression
- analysis
- evaluation
- reflection and response
- empathy
(Hartlepool Agreed Syllabus p16)
RE will also promote the positive attitudes of:
- self-awareness
- respect
- open-mindedness
- appreciation and wonder
(Hartlepool Agreed Syllabus p17)
RE offers opportunities for personal reflection and our pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development, through examining the significance of their own learning in relation to themselves and others. It enables our pupils to explore their own beliefs (whether they are religious or not), ideas, feelings, experiences and values in the light of what they learn.
As such RE is central to good local, national and global citizenship, linking to RRSA and our Learning Behaviours of Resilience, Reflection, Risk-taking, Curiosity and Pride. It makes a significant contribution to the active promotion of mutual respect and tolerance of others’ faiths and beliefs, a fundamental British value thus preparing pupils for life in modern Britain.