EGA's Music Intent
We want every child to have every opportunity to experience success in each Music learning episode.
At Eldon Grove Academy, connecting with others with this universal language is at the heart of our music curriculum. Opportunities to perform individually and together encourage our children to express themselves and communicate with others. Providing entertainment; sharing emotional responses with those around them and instilling a sense of shared achievements in their own and others work is key. We provide our musicians with the opportunity to listen, evaluate and review; sing, rehearse and compose, through the exploration of music from the past and present and the interrelated dimensions of Music (pitch, dynamics, duration, tempo, timbre, texture, structure and notation). We are committed in ensuring our children understand the value of listening to and playing music and the emotional responses it brings thus hopefully instilling a life-long connection with the subject.
Music Drivers
To view the DfE's national curriculum for Music, please click the link below: