EGA's History Intent
We want every child to have every opportunity to experience success in each History learning episode.
Our curriculum is designed to inspire a curiosity of the past; the past of this country, in which our children live, but also of the wider world which they are a part of in order to build respect, tolerance, appreciation and pride. In who we are and where we come from.
Our history curriculum offers pupils the opportunity to ask questions, think critically, evaluate evidence, and develop an understanding of how the past is constructed. We believe our history curriculum will allow our children to gain a coherent knowledge and understanding of Britain’s past and that of the wider world.
We endeavour to teach our children to understand the amazing diversity of societies and individuals. We believe that history is an important subject in broadening children’s horizons, challenging ideas and developing life skills in order to prepare them for their future.
History Drivers
To view the DfE's national curriculum in History, please click the link below.
History in Eldon Grove Academy is taught, in agreement with the new National Curriculum, it is our record of what happened in the past and why. It involves our children studying different societies, cultures and countries from around the world; learning from the past.
Three units of history are taught per year, with one of these units being studied in more depth, for example: The Romans in Year 3 is taught over the autumn term with a focus on the Roman Empire first and then Roman Britain following this, so that then the children understand the impact of the spread of the Roman Empire across Europe into Britain before learning how the Romans impacted upon these isles.
We have introduced a two-year cycle for the academic year 2023-24 for pupils in Year 5.