EGA's PE Intent
At Eldon Grove Academy we want our children to have the opportunity to experience success in every PE learning episode.
All children will be given the opportunity to be challenged and inspired through a variety of activities in a competitive and non-competitive environment. Pupils will become proficient in PE skills such as gross and fine motor which will lay the foundation for future success in the area of Physical Education. Children will be able to remember and develop key identified information relating to the Physical Education, School Sport and Physical Activity (PESSPA Programme).
All aspects of the PESSPA programme will be weaved throughout the whole school curriculum, with particular links to the area of Science and how the body works during exercise. Pupils will understand the importance of living a healthy lifestyle including diet, and the benefits in relation to exercise and physical activity.
Pupils will be given a wide range of sporting opportunities in a variety of sports to compete against peers and represent the school with pride. High quality afterschool clubs will be available to pupils throughout their time at Eldon Grove Academy. Links will be created with local sports club and pupils will be given the opportunity to attend professional sports events which will align with our PE school curriculum.