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Eldon Grove Academy

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  • Pride
  • Reflection
  • Resilience
  • Curiosity
  • Risk Taking


EGA's PSHE Intent


We want every child to have every opportunity to experience success in each PSHE learning episode.

Through the Jigsaw PSHE Curriculum Programme, all children are given the opportunity and tools to help develop their coping mechanisms to use within their wider world. All children will be given the chance to become empowered to nurture their enthusiasm in order for them to be able to discuss and debate effectively, with their own opinions.

As a Rights Respecting School, we provide a platform for children to be able to showcase honesty and respect, in PSHE lessons, across whole school and in their wider community.

By evolving and becoming more proficient with PSHE skills and techniques, the children will be supported emotionally and physically, with their well-being and tackling any issues that could affect their ability to learn. All children will be provided with reflection opportunities and facilitation to self-regulate when needed – articulating and understanding their thoughts and emotions.

A growing body of research shows that children who are emotionally healthy are happier and perform better at school. Every child will be given the chance to leave EGA with a solid foundation to becoming a stand out global citizen.

PSHE Drivers

PSHE Long Term Plan

RSHE Documentation

Autumn Termly Overviews (including 'End Points')

Spring Termly Overviews (including 'End Points')