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Eldon Grove Academy

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Governance - Local Governing Board

The Governing Body includes:

  • Head Teacher
  • Parents of children who attend school
  • People connected with the local community
  • Staff at the school


Governors are appointed or elected for a fixed period of time and work on your behalf to secure quality teaching and learning for your child/children. All Governors can be contacted through the school.

The Governing Body meets at least once a term. In addition to this a number of committees and working parties meet more frequently to conduct business affecting the day to day management of the school.


Clerk to Governing Body:

Andrew Dunn

c/o Extol Trust

Eldon Grove Academy


TS26 9LY


Chair of Governors:

Sarah Mbama
c/o Eldon Grove Academy
Eldon Grove
TS26 9LY


The list of governors below reflects people who are able to devote time and expertise and, as a whole body, help the school improve its “quality of provision” and make decisions on matters that are brought to its attention.

The Academy is extremely lucky to have such a proactive and supportive Governing Body.


Governor NameTerm Start DateTerm End DateResignation Date (where applicable)
Sarah Mbama25/11/202424/11/2026 
Jane Henderson-Thynne18/1/202217/1/2026 

Co-Opted Governors

Sarah Mincher5/2/20244/2/2028 
Frances Wilson1/1/202131/12/2028 
Carl Bellwood5/2/20244/2/2028 
Sonya Black25/11/202424/11/2028 
Phil Totty1/1/202531/12/2028 
Christian Park1/9/202131/8/2025 
Parent Governors   
Amy Taylor15/7/202414/7/2028 
Staff Governors 
Liam Muir9/11/20218/11/2025 
Emily Booth30/9/202429/9/2028 
Jaipal Sachdev7/3/20236/3/2027


Victoria Stuart2/2/20211/2/202510/1/2024
Allison Morgan18/1/202217/1/202631/12/2023
Marie Stephenson2/2/20231/2/20272/5/2024
Sam Cook2/2/20241/2/202715/7/2024
Valda Varadinek-Skelton6/10/20205/10/202430/9/2024